Romans 6:23"For the wages of sin is death;But the gift of God is eternal life,through Jesus Christ our Lord."
As I think back over this year I can only say thank you Lord. God has truly been good to me and chances are if you think back He has been good to you also. Even though we were deserving of hell, working towards the wage of sin, God looked beyond our faults and gave us what we stood in need of.
The gift of God! Eternal life, being free from sin and a servant for God. Gods gracious gift of His only son is our deliverance from sin. Gods grace takes what was once a sinner, wrapped in sin and makes him/her a saint ,wrapping them in the righteousness of his precious son Jesus the Christ. Replacing the ways and desires of the natural father, with the characteristics of the Heavenly Father. The gift of eternal life, something given but not deserved, judgment said, we should die, but mercy stepped in and said wait. Though the way may be up hill, and the road is narrow, even though we will be attacked on every side, everlasting life awaits us at the journeys end.
Eternal life ,no infirmities to hinder us ,no death to put a period to us, just life everlasting with our Heavenly Father. Death is the wage of sin, and it comes by abandoning and forsaking our savior, but the life is a gift, it comes by favor, without respect of person. We work for the wage paid by sin, but life is freely given. Sinners merit Hell, it is what they are working for, but saints do not merit heaven, you can't work for it , you can't buy your way in, it is a gift from God, to all who believes, through Jesus Christ our Lord.
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