Philippians 2:4 "Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others".
What difference has God made in our life? Do all Christians talk and act the same? No. But we should all have a love for God first of all, and then love for one another. The sweetness Christians experience in knowing Jesus as Savior and all the good he brings into our lives, inevitably reflects in our relationships. Paul asked the believers at Philippi," Has being a follower of Jesus Christ made any difference in your life? Has the fact that he loves you with an everlasting love caused you to make different life choices? Have you experienced the Holy Spirit's presence and enjoyed being a part of this glorious unified body? Is Christ's love flowing in, out, and through this unified body with tenderness and lots of mercy?"
If you answered yes to any of these questions ,then you should spend more time talking about the things we have in common, than our differences. We should love each other unconditionally, strive for unity in all we do by lifting up Christ. All have sinned and come short of God's glory, the enemy wants us to focus on the short comings which lie in all of us. But Jesus is the one thing we have in common and it is through him and by him that we are perfected even with our shortcomings, so when we lift Jesus up in the lives of others, we have all things common. We should be thrilled to the heart to lead people to the Lord, and then see them interacting and developing deep, caring, and lasting friendships, as their walk with Christ becomes stronger.
The Body of Christ can only become unified,loving, and like-minded when we care for the interest of others as much as we do our own.
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