Matthew 5:14 "Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid".
Let your light so shine before man that they might see your good works and glorify your Father which art in heaven. We are children of the most high God, members of His household of faith, part of the body of Christ and as such, there is a way we are to live. There is a way that our position in Christ works itself out in our lives. There is a way Christ helps us deal with the trials, problems, difficulties and sufferings of the day to day living we face. The way He helps us to deal is in the way we walk as believers.
We are instructed to walk in a manner worthy of the name by which we are called. Effective witnessing is not just in what we say to the world in our words, but it is also in what the world sees in our walk. We live in a seeing is believing world, and if you truly want to be an effective witness, let your walk and talk both glorify the Lord. We are the light of the world. People are lead out of the dark when they see the light . Our walk does matter, it actually matters more than what we say, more people see you than hear you. Remember the old saying actions speak louder than words. It is easy to tell someone that God loves them, but to show the love of God, we must be active. We are the light of the world, so let those in darkness see your light, let them see your love one to another. Let them see the love of God spread abroad in your heart in your words and deeds. We are set upon a hill, the world is watching and no matter how small the light it can be seen by all in darkness. Let the world see your light shining.
No mater who your are in Christ your walk matters. There is someone following you on your journey. You are the bible they are reading, the picture of what they believe a Christian to be like, walk worthy of the name you bear. Be that light house and not a stumbling block, that a lost soul might seek Jesus the light of the world and be saved...
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