Hosea 1:2 "And the Lord said to Hosea,Go take unto thee a wife of whoredoms and children of whoredoms:for the land hath committed great whordom,departing from the Lord.
The church of the living God. The bride of Christ, purchased with the blood of Christ, and yet she has turned to a woman of whoredom. Choosen to be a spiritual beauty, she has become material girl to be sold to the highest bidder. She has become more interested in making money than she is about saving souls, giving birth to children of whoredom. She profess to love the Lord, but she prostitutes herself for the things of this world.
The Church of the living God, built upon the foundation of Peter confession to Jesus, that Jesus is the Christ the son of the living God, but this message has gotten lost. Jesus gave His life for the Church, He paid for it yet she has wandered into the way of a harlot. The message she preached has changed from one of soul saving to one of fund-raising. The church of God revelation has been replaced with the many ministries of mans imagination. So much of the world has been invited into the temple, the temple has been turned from a house of worship, to a worldly prostitute, following what ever will bring in the most money. The under shepherds have turn from servants of the Lord, to servants of self. Like a dime store pimp they use the church of God to line their pockets, and fill their lives with the toys of this world, preying on the flock instead of praying over the flock.
The Love of God, His church, has turned away from the truth of God's word, to the empty promises of this world. But God is faithful and He stands with His arms stretched wide open awaiting her return. Let us go back to God, let the church get back to the business of saving souls. Let the men of God be servants of God, that they might be better leaders to the people of God
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