Many song have been written celebrating the name of Jesus, from old hymns such as "All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name" to more recent songs such as "There Just Something About that Name." The bible tells us that "everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved"(Acts2:21NIV),and "There is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved."
However, shockingly, the name of Jesus is often uttered today to express anger, disappointment, or astonishment .People say His name in these ways not only publicly but also without shame. Just as swearing no longer seems to be much of a social offense, using Jesus' name in vain has become commonplace for nonbelievers and believers alike. Now, you personally may never (or rarely) have used His name in vain, but have you ever been guilty of taking Him lightly? Taking Him for granted. That is, have you ever, in a sense," forgotten " that He is the Son of God, whom God has exalted to the highest place in His Kingdom? Every time you set out to do wrong, knowing that what you are doing goes against his word, will, and way, you are taking Him lightly. Remember you are not just going to church, you are taking important time out to praise, thank, and learn more about the person to whom you owe everything you have in life to. Did you prepare to worship, or was it a last minute left over guilt felt from the parting and dancing the night before. Did it include Sunday school? Where you there early enough for morning devotion, did you bring someone with you? Do you take Christ lightly? Do you truly understand who he is and what it is he has done for us. Do you realize that one day we will all have to stand before him.
We should feel genuine hurt when we go against his word ,will or way. We should be willing to lay down our life to live for him, for he so loved us that he endured the shame of the cross, that we might enjoy the glory of the crown. Jesus Christ, who is he and what is he to you?
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