Monday, February 24, 2014

Enduring Mercy

Psalm 107:1 "Oh give thanks unto the Lord, for he is good: for His mercy endureth forever"

God is good, there are truly no words that can express just how good God is. He is so good that while we were yet sinner he commended  His love toward us and He sent Christ to die for us. Jesus died for the ungodly, Christ died to save sinners.

We must thank God for Jesus. Now I am not talking about lip service, but thank God for Jesus by giving, surrendering yourself to Him and for Him. Say thanks by giving yourself solely to the Lord and by living a life before men that will lead a lost soul to the salvation of the Lord. By living a life worthy of the name which we bear. Say thank you by being obedient to His word. Say thank you by having love for one another. Say thank you by esteeming others higher than yourself, by being a living sacrifice, by laying down your life that a lost soul might live. Thank Him for His mercy, for we deserved Hell, but His mercy offers us a chance to live in paradise. It is an enduring mercy as it endures all the objections of sinful man and accomplishes all that is asked from a holy God. His mercy forgives us our sin, it looks beyond our faults and shortcomings and provides our every need.

Man was destined for death, destruction and Hell when God took the best of Himself and wrapped it in the worst of man, and sent Jesus His only begotten Son to suffer bleed and die that we might have a right to the tree of life. Jesus, God's mercy which endureth forever, offered to lost man that we might become the sons of God. Let us thank God for Jesus by surrendering to Him our hearts, that He will give us eternal life.

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