Monday, March 7, 2011

Conformed to Christ's Image

Ephesians 1:4 "According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world,that we should be holy and without blame before him in love".

Sadly,some who claim to be God's servants today are really jockeying for position, power, or control in the church.Jesus modeled God's character when He laid aside His rights and assumed the position of a servant.Christ illustrated the principle of servanthood when He washed the feet of His disciples on the night before His death,right after His closest friends had been arguing about who would be the greatest among them.(Saints if you want to be the head, you must be willing to take care of the feet).Superficial humility can be groveling,abject demeanor that only hides ambitions.Many in roles appearing to be servants are actually pursuing selfish agendas.

On the other hand, Christ like humility means seeing ourselves as God sees us. This attitude involves reaching out to others,rather than trying to get ahead of others.How often are our acts of service really self serving?what is our attitude when we get no recognition for our good deeds?Do we write on social networking  sites to reach the lost or to convience those we know as to how smart we are.Are we using it to bring glory to God, or for self gratification,are you sure? Jesus came from a position of absolute power to serve us.To the world, success means advancement,for christians, success is putting the needs of others before our own,as we surrendering to the mind of Christ are willing to sacrifice for the good of the body.Those whom Jesus will commend at the final judgment did not realize that  in serving the lowest, they were really serving Him.Saints Jesus shed just as much blood for the least as he did the greatest,yet it seems that we sometimes are willing to give to the greatest,in lue of the least.How many have made large donations to mega churches and big name ministries,but nickle and dime the  poor and homeless shelters seeking high praise from people, and thinking God will bless you more,the bible says he that lendeth to the poor lends to the Lord.Jesus said "when I was hungry you fed me not".

Paul explains how Christians should live by describing Christ's sacrificial life. And we being chosen before the foundation of the world in him,fashioned after his likeness, being born again of his spirit fulfilling his will,our attitude and actions should model His, we should be Christ like.We do not seek to promote ourselves,but instead to minister to others, especially those that are in the greatest need.

1 comment:

  1. Saints we are servants of the most high God, the world is looking to us for hope in these uncertain times. Let us walk worthy of our calling that the world me experience the love of God, as we love one another,let it start with me!
