Thursday, March 24, 2011

Who Are The Chosen of God?

Matthew 22:14 "For many are Called, but few are Chosen".

Jesus said," not everyone who says to me ,Lord ,Lord shall enter the kingdom of heaven,but he who does the will of my father in heaven". This warning should cause us to carefully consider our relationship with the Lord and the carring out of the duty he has placed before us.Why? because many who claim to be His followers, who claim to be working on his behalf,claim to be working in his name will be rejected by him,He will tell them I never knew you.There are many claiming to be doing the Lords will ,but in fact are serving their own agendas.

Saints Jesus Christ is real. He was resurrected, He is alive and his impact on the world has exceeded that of any man who has ever lived. Most people are familiar with the name of Jesus Christ,but how many truly know what he taught, what his mission was, and what instructions were left for his true followers to carry out.  Who is it that truly represents Christ? Jesus warned that narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life,and there are few who find it.Should we be suprised that many are being decieved as they travel the broad road which leads to destruction.Most people simply ignor Jesus' words when they don't agree with them.Paul was actually amazed at how so many after hearing the truth could be so easily mislead.

Saints God's desire is that none shall perish, that all shall receive salvation. But you are choosen only when you learn and accepts the truth of the gospel.Salvation is out there it has been served and offered but the choosen are those who will accept and believe its truths.The truth Jesus explains is what God reveals through his word, the bible; and to be acceptable unto God you must accept his word as the only source of truth.After learning the fundamentals of God's truth, you must repent.The Lord is patient with you,not wanting any to parish,but everyone must come to repentence,there is no exceptions,God wants everyone to repent.

Then you must remain faithful,when God offers us the chance to serve him,the choice is ours,but it is not a one time decision, we must commit ourselves to that choice and run on to the end.Those who are with Chrsit are not just called and chosen; but they are also faithful(Rev.17:12-14). God has made it clear who his real disciples are.They are first called to rependence by having their minds opened to the knowledge of the truth of his word.They have responded to this truth by surrendering their will to God so His spirit can guide both their hearts and their conduct,they are chosen for salvation.Then all who remain loyally obedient to him are the true"called ,chosen,and faithful" people of God!

1 comment:

  1. Saints God is looking for faithful soilders, not stoney ground christians.Which are you,when all is said and done will you stand for God,or will you abandon him or deny him when a witness of him is needed?
