Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Help Wanted: Laborers for The Harvest

Matthew 9:37 "Then saith he unto his disciples,The harvest truly is plenteous,but the labourers are few";

Saints in this era of the self named, self famed, and the self proclaimed religions, it is hard to find humbled servants to be tools to work the Lords garden of salvation.We have become so self absorbed, that we have lost track of the purpose of our salvation.It seems that we now spend more time trying to convience the world of our salvation, that we have neglected our duty of proclaiming that there is a Savior,by going into the gleening fields,and bringing in the sheaves.

Jesus said "the harvest is truly plentiful,but the labourers are few".Saints the world is full of  lost souls, but there dosn't seem to be enough workers in the field to lead them to Christ.God saved us,that we might be labourers of the harvest.See God saved us that we might be witnesses to the lost that he is the savior, that he will provide, that he is the way to peace and rest, he is the truth that makes one free, and he is the life everlasting.But saints the focus has been lost.The reason Jesus said go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature, is because there are wolves in sheep clothing among us, and since we don't know who is who, he said preach it to every creature.Saints God is seeking labourers, servants who are willing to deny self and submitt to the will of the Father, for the good of the Kingdom. Labourers who will walk out in blind faith and trust his word to do what it was designed to do,to totally depend on him, as we work the field of harvest.Someone who will share not only his words but his truths in love, not to hurting feelings, but to convict hearts and convert souls.

We must take his message,(not our understanding)but His word, to his people, that he shed his blood for, that they may receive his salvation, and enjoy eternal life with him in his kingdom. Now we are not to just proclaim the message with our lips, but we must spread the gospel with our life, by becoming a living example of the message( live the life we talk about).Be willing to stand on the truth of his word, trust in the power of his spirit that we submitt totally to his will.Let us become labourers of the harvest, that all in darkness might be drawn to the light and ask "what must I do to be saved".Saints it truly isn't about us or the many names we give ourselves to impress others, it is about how Jesus died on a cross, to pay for the sins of the world, and his followers, us believers taking this good news to a dying world that all who hears might believe, and believing they might have everlasting life.
HELP WANTED: LABOURERS FOR THE HARVEST! Apply from within..............(your heart)

1 comment:

  1. Saints when we confessed to being aChristian we accepted the job as labourers, Let us now go do the Job Christ paid for us to do........
