Saturday, August 20, 2011

Christ Is All !

Colossians 3:11 "Where there is neither Greek nor Jew,circumcision nor uncircumsion, Barbarian, Scythian,bond nor free:but Christ is all, and in all."

There are two worlds the old and the new.There are two people the old man and the new man.In the first man are many things which are not in the second man,and in the second are many things not in the first.The first man is always in want, but the second has all he needs.Our text tells us what there is not and what there is in the new man.

What's not in the new man is national distinctions "where there is neither Greek nor Jew"; there is no ceremonial distinctions,"there is neither circumcision nor uncircumcision"; there is no social distinctions,"there is neither bond nor free".What a blessed blending of all men in one body brought about by our Lord Jesus.Let us work in the direction of unity.What there is in the new man:"Christ is all and in all";He is our revelation,He is our master, our new birth, our salvation,Christ is our strength, our provider, our protector,our way, our truth, our life,our wisdom,He is our freeedom, In a word He is our all in all.What a rich inheritance have all who truly have Christ Jesus.We possess him who is all in all, and in possessing Him,we possess all."I have all things my brother",said Jacob to esau.He who has Jesus can want for nothing."All things are yours", said the apostle,"whether things present or things to come,and ye are Christ's.A true believer,is the richest man in all the world;for he has all in all,and what can be added when you have all. 

Let us not be mislead chasing after the empty promises of this world ; seeking it's worthless treasure, and temporary pleasures.When you truly have Christ you have all in all;and you can then truly say like David, "The Lord is my shepherd, and I shall not want".

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