Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Jesus is Lord!

Romans 4:24 " But for us also,to whom it shall be imputed,if we believe on him that raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead:"

It is the part of faith to accept great contrasts,if laid down in the word,and to make them a part of her daily speech.This name,Lord, is a great contrast to incarnation and humiliation.In the manger, in poverty shame and death,Jesus is still Lord.These strange conditions for "our Lord" to be found in are no difficulties to that faith which is the fruit of the spirit.

It ought to be the great care of every one of us to follow the Lord fully.We must in a course of obedience to God's will and service to his honor follow him universally,without dividing; uprightly, without dissembling; cheerfully,without disputing;and constantly,without declining: and this is following him fully. A disciple of Christ is one that gives up himself to be wholly at Christ's disposing; to learn what he teaches,to believe what he reveals, to do what he commands, to avoid what he forbids, to suffer what is inflicted by him or for him,in expectaion of that reward which he hath promised.Such a one is a disciple of Christ,and he ,and none else, is a christian.

This thing is solely about Jesus and Him alone.Everything that we are is because of Jesus; all that we have is from Jesus. He is everything that God had to say to man, all that he needed to give to man;and in him is everything man needs to say to God.Jesus is Lord!

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