Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The Delieverer!

2 Corinthians 1:10 Who delievered us from so great a death, and doeth deliever:in whom we trust that he will yet deliever us".

Here we have yesterday,today and forever;we consider the past ,present and future,each one by itself. We may also view them in their relation to each other.Our text points out the delivering mercy of God as at all times working out the safety of his people. Paul did not stand alone,as he said "who delivered  us","we trust".We all were in Paul situation at one time or another.We shall take Paul's words and apply them to our own situation.

Now the text suggest three trains of thought; memories of deliverences in the past:From violent death, many of us like Paul was saved a many times from a real physical death.Delievered from death in sin; from the despair of conviction;the temptations of the evil one;from the destruction of a slanderous tongue; and from the captivity of the old man and his ways.Deliverences in the present,by the hand of the Lord;From the unseen dangers of this life;from the constant and subtle assults of satan;from the many foolish mistake we make in life;from inbred sin and natural corruption; and from the certain death  which accompanies a trust in ones one self and abilities.Our present standing is solely due to the grace of God.With expectation let us look upon the future:Faith rest alone in God,in whom we trust,and through him we seek our future deliverence;from all future trails and tribulations;from coming losses, afflictions,and sickness which may be headed our way;from the infirmities and desires of age,from the fear of death and any other lies the world may throw our way, as we march on with cheerfulness for we know that God has, God is, and God will deliever us and in him we trust. 

We know that the Lord will preserve us to the end,and thus we say "In whom we trust that he will yet deliever us".When we learn to trust in God, we will then know He is our delieverer.

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