Friday, October 7, 2011

Evidence of Love?

John 14:15 "If you love me keep my commandmants".

We all confess that we love the Lord, but do we really?Do we love him with all our heart or with all our wants?I know with my wife I will go out of my way not to offened or upset her,doing everything I promised so as not to hurt her because I love my wife.Yet there are time,just being honest,that I do things that go against God and his word,not concerned if I am hurting him or not.Now I know I'm not the only one who tends to live my life based more on God's love for me than my love for God,but for the sake of not making someone mad, I will talk about my on shortcomings.

What does it mean to truly love God?Well Jesus said "if you love me keep my commandments".Now even though I know and profess that I can do all things through Christ who strenghtens me, when it comes to keeping Jesus commandments I often fall very short.But if I truly love Him,shouldn't his needs wants and desires should come before mine.His purpose for my life should be my main focus.He told us to take His yoke ,for it is easy,and his commandments are to "Love the Lord thy God with all our hearts ,soul and mind, and to love our neighbor as our self".Now if God is as good to me as I claim, how hard can it be to love him,and in loving him I should love those he died for.Sometimes it seems that I put more love,care and preparation in my jobs, homes, cars, clothes, hair,nails, grocery list,and our weekend plans than I do in my love for God. If I kept my wedding vows the same way I keep Jesus commandments my  wife would have left long ago.If I worked my job, the way I work for God I would be fired.If I paid my bills the way I pay my tithes and give my offerings I would be homeless and walking.

Now I don't do most of the things listed,my walk with Christ though not perfect, it is much better than this, but there are some who are walking this weak.The important thing is to realize our short coming and as God to help us,and the strong to bear the infirmities of the weak.Let us pray that we all learn to love the lord better.

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