Deut. 1:21--"Behold, the Lord thy God hath set the land before thee;Go up and possess it, as the Lord God of the fathers hath said unto thee, fear not, neither be discouraged".
The mission was complete, the twelve men had returned from their undercover surveillance of enemy territory. They now stood before their fellow country men. The report came in ; the land is good! But ten said it's impossible to possess, the people are too strong, its cities to well defended, and it's a land which eateth up the inhabitants. The people were swayed, they abandoned their invasion plans, and elected to return to the enslavement from which they had been delivered.
We have been assured victory.Jesus Christ said from the cross it is finished.All has been done for us to over come the trials and temptations of the enemy.There are many distraction and dicouragements that will come upon us, but the text says," The Lord thy God hath set the land before us." God has put it there for our taking,He says"Go up and possess it".We must trust the word of God and not the lies of the enemy.The word of God says "I can do ALL things through Christ who Strenghtens me", who are we going to believe ?, The report of the world, or the word of God?We walk by faith in the promises of God's word,not by the sight of the lies the world shows us. The challengers might be strong but my God is stronger, the problems might seem big but our God is Bigger.We are at the door step of our promised breakthrough, let us walk on by faith into the promised rest in the promised land that God has prepared for those who trust and believe him.We walk by faith not by sight, so know that it is alright ,already.
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