We were all called out of darkness into God's marvelous light.All of us were at one time a prisoner, caught up in the of the wiles of the enemy.We were all sold into the bondage of sin, by the lust of the flesh,lust of eye and pride of life.But thanks be to God that he blessed us with salvation through the death of His son Jesus Christ, that we might lead others to the light of His salvation.
In our story today Joseph was made head of all Egypt.A journey that started when his brothers out of envy,sold him into slavery,and ended with him being a father to Pharaoh,lord of his house and ruler throughout all the land of Egypt(vs.8).But God didn't do all of this for Joseph, for him to be a big shot,no God blessed Joseph that he might be a blessing to others.That he might use his position for the glory of God.God didn't reveal Himself to us so that we can sit high and look low,He didn't deliever us that we might wear important titles,sit in the high seats of self-righteousness.No God saved us that we might reach back and teach someone else. God revealed the dangers that lied ahead to us that we might tell others that are lost in darkness that there is a famine coming, and only those who are here in the care of the Lord shall be saved.God blessed us to bless others.
God gave us His only begotten Son that we might have a right to everlasting life.We owe it to God to share the good news of salvation to every creature,to let our lights so shine that man will glorify God and lost soul might be saved.Let each one, reach one, and teach one.
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