Here Jesus' interview with the Samaritian woman establishes,for all the readers of John's Gospel, that salvation is for everyone,regardless of social, or racial,position.If we want to be an effictive witness for the Lord, we must be willing to cross all barriers.The wall of separation has been destroyed,God is now accessable to all through Jesus Christ.Let us invite all to "come see a man".
In this scene at Jacob's well,the metaphor of water that satisfied the woman's physical thirst represents the need for spiritual nourishment that can satisfy the thirsty soul.Jesus initiated the conversation by asking for a drink.He then offered her "living water" that would meet her eternal needs.We must realize that Jesus is that one thing that meets our most basic need.Jesus did not rush His discussion with the woman.He began where she was,drawing water.We too should share at the other person's pace,meet them where they are in Christ.We all have a story to share, if Jesus has changed our life.When Jesus told the woman that He was the Messiah, the woman went immediately to share her experience with those in her town.She invited all to "come see a man", she challenged them to answer for themselves: "could this be the Christ?"
What will you do with Jesus? God has given him to us all,now will you invite all to come and see? When a Christian shares his or her story,they never know how far the gospel will reach,and they never know how much one changed life can change the world.Remember Jesus started with twelve,look how far their testimony have come.Let us tell all that we see "come see a man".
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