In the begining we were created in the image and after the likeness of our creator.We were without sin and lived with God in a garden paradise.But then man disobeyed God and fell from His grace.Man begin to bear fruit after his kind.Born in sin and shaped in iniquity man no longer to on the image of a perfect and Holy God without spot or blemish.Man was in darkness and in desperate need of salvation.
Much like the firery serpent was made in the image of the serpents that bit the children of Israel in the wilderness, Jesus was made in our image,the image of sinful man that He might save man.For the soul that sineth will surley die.Just as all who were bitten in the wilderness was saved when they looked to the serpent of brass,all who are born of sin are saved when we look to Jesus.Jesus accepted for all who will look to Him the wage paid by sin.Jesus said"and I if I be lifted up from the earth will draw all men unto me".When Moses raised the brass serpent on the pole all who look to it in faith were saved.When we look to Jesus on the cross in faith we to shall be saved.Let us look to Jesus and live.He is our only way to salvation.
It is when we look to Jesus in faith and become born of the spirit of God that we once again take on the image and likeness of our creator.But we must be born again,and believe that we not only died with Him but rose again a new creature in Christ born again in the image of our heavenly Father.
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