We all know that God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son to die while we were yet sinners.It is His love for us that gets us through each and every day.But the concern is in our love for Him.It is His love for us that salvation is offerd ,but our love for Him accepts this free gift from God.
Do you truly love the Lord?Now we will all most likely say yes when ask this question.But Jesus said if you love me keep my commandments.Yet many will say they love Him,and yet they don't keep His commandments.Now don't get me wrong,I realize that none of us are perfect.I know that we all have shortcomings,that will cause us to go against God's word occasionally.But sin in the life of a christian should be the exception and not the rule.To many live their lives expecting to sin like it is ok with God, because He knows our heart.God's grace is not a licence to continue in a life of sin.Jesus died to save us from sin ,not to save us in sin.He told us to deny ourself take up our cross daily and follow Him.We must choose daily whom we will serve.Be it God or the desires of our flesh.
Jesus told the woman in the bible to go and sin no more.If we lived our life based more on our love for Him instead of living base on His love for us we would be better servants for the Lord.Let us make a sincere effort to walk worthy of the name that we bear ,and lead a lost world to the salvation of the Lord.
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