Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Life In The Word

Ezk.37:7 "So I prophesied as I was commanded: and as I prophesied, there was a noise, and behold a shaking, and the bones came together, bone to his bone".

Sometime when part of a great worship service, it can be easy to  get so caught up in the moment, that you might forget the whole world is not saved. We can get so exited with what's going on inside the church, that we can forget there is a lost and dying world outside the walls. With all the shouting, hand clapping, singing, dancing and, praising going on inside, it can drown out the cry's for help taking place outside. We might overlook the fact that just outside the walls, there are many wondering in a world of darkness, lost in sin. Just out side the walls there is a valley full of death, souls hindered with the sickness, hopelessness and despair brought on by sin and its guilt.

But in our story today, the man of God was asked ,"can these bones live?". The good news is all that is in darkness can come to the marvelous light. All who are dead in sin can find life in the Word of God. There is  life in His word. The prophet was comanded to speak the Word of God to the dead bones and they would receive life. Jesus told us to speak the word of God to all that are spiritually dead and watch them come to life. Like Lazarus when he was called from the dead, let us speak God's word and watch the dead bones come together with life, and be a part of the body of Christ. God's spirit will begin to flow through their hearts and through the power of  regeneration, they become anew, they are born another, different from the first. Because there is life in the Word, that which was dead, can now have life.

God's will is that none shall parish. Let the people of God obey the Word of God and once again proclaim the truth of God, that a dead world might live. The bible says "faith comes by hearing, and hearing the word of God": Let us be obedient and proclaim the good news of Salvation, that the dead might live in Christ. 

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