Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Just The Beginning

John 19:30 "When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said "It is Finished: and he bowed his head and gave up the ghost".

Many believe the death of Jesus marked the end. In some cases it was the end, but the truth is, to  many it was only the beginning of His earthly ministry. It was His death that gave life to the life we now live in the flesh, as it put to death sin and the guilt of sin. Yes; Jesus death was just the beginning.

Calvary was a horrible sight. In fact it was the most horrific night in the history of mankind. However, it was also the greatest thing that could have happened for mankind. With the death of Jesus, came our opportunity to live a life everlasting with our Father in heaven. Jesus death didn't end His earthly ministry, it was the beginning as we, his ambassadors are to take this good news and share it with a lost and dying world. We who bear witness to His birth, death and resurrection are to be the voice of one crying in the wilderness, the good news of salvation. We are the light upon a hill that is showing all in darkness the way to salvation.

The death of Jesus was the greatest gift ever given to and for mankind. So let us not look at Calvary as Christ's end, but instead let us look at it as our beginning. A new life with a new purpose. A life free from the guilt and power of sin. A new life of sacrifice and service. It is just the beginning....

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