Exodus 34:6 "And the Lord passed by before him, and proclaimed, The Lord, The Lord God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abundant in goodness and truth."
The sun rose today on a largely selfish, wicked humanity. God's gifts of life, strength, provision and salvation were freely doled out to the evil and the good. Laughter and enjoyment flowed, while new flowers bloomed and birds soared. And these are just a few of the demonstrations of God's steadfast love, His faithfulness, and His longsuffering for his creation. It rains on the just and the unjust.
Nothing we will experience on earth can compare to the mountain top experience of Moses as he talked to God and experienced his glory. As God passed near Moses again He emphasized His love and forgiveness. Through their worship of the golden calf and the activities that followed, the children of Israel broke many of the commandments they had recently received and promised to obey. In response, the Lord told Moses of his love and capacity to forgive wickedness, rebellion and sin. That was extremely good news for the people who needed His forgiveness and restoration. It is still good news today as God is still expressing that capacity today, for all who seek him.
Look around you, see the evidence of God's faithfulness and goodness, His mercy and His patience. Feel the clothes on your back, the bible in your hand. Smell the coffee or the food being prepared in the kitchen Consider the church you enter every Sunday with the freedom to have safe Christian fellowship. Not because we were so good, but because God is that Good, His mercy is from everlasting to everlasting, and He loves us just that much.
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