The single most significant event in history is the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. We are saved by His death; because he died we can live. However there is a condition, we must believe. In Jesus death, justice received the wage paid by sin, for the soul that sinneth, shall surely die. Someone had to die and Jesus was the perfect sacrifice for an imperfect people. Because of our sin, He died.
Jesus died that all might have a right to the tree of life, but we must believe and receive His death as our own that we might be raise up as a new creature in Christ. Let us walk in this new life that a lost world will come to know what we already know; He died and rose with all power in heaven and earth in His hands. He has power over all flesh, yes Jesus can make your flesh behave. Jesus came to pay the price for man's salvation, He died that we might live. John said "Behold the lamb of God who taketh away the sin of the world". The purpose for Jesus birth, death, and His glorious resurrection was to set man free from sin and the guilt of sin.
He said from the cross, it is finished, there is nothing else God is going to do. Salvation has been offered, now you must ask yourself the question; Will you receive this gift which is so freely offered
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