Matthew7:21"Not everyone that saith Lord, Lord shall enter into the Kingdom of Heaven; But he that doeth the will of my father which is in Heaven."
In these uncertain times, people are flocking to religion faster than ever before. Religion is now one of the fastest growing organized groups in the world today, but God is not mocked. With all of the self promoting, self centered, and self serving ministries which have begin to replace the Church of God, God is not mocked. The replacing of his glorious Gospel which was once used to convict hearts and convert souls, now replaced with a motivational speech designed to line the pocket and fill the pews, but God is not mocked.
Jesus said" I am the good Shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of mine". So be not deceived God is not mocked, Not everyone professing Christ is genuinely saved.(now I'm not saying that you are or not saved, this is a self examination between you and God.)It's not enough to say Lord Lord, if that on the inside don't match what is being portrayed on the outside. In that great getting up morning, many will say" have we not prophesied in thy name"," In your name didn't we cast out devils", Christ knows the heart and it's intent, and in that day the secrets of the hearts will be revealed.Having a good reputation among church folks, or doing good deeds will not hide from him our pride, self-righteousness, our worldliness, greed, or our sensuality, neither will it get us into heaven.
Jesus will say in that day "depart from me, I never Knew You"(his words not mine).Jesus knows his own, he knows them from their repentance, from them seeking his face, his grace, his mercy, and his forgiveness. He knows them from the love they have one to another. He knows them through their prayer as they cry out to him with a contrite heart, seeking his salvation. Remember no matter what all who was not in the ark of Noah when the floods came died. So are you in the ark of safety of the Lord Jesus?
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