Sunday, January 2, 2011

Mans' foolishness; God's power

1stCorinthians 1:18"For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness;But unto us which are saved it is the power of God."

The Gospel of Jesus Christ,good news to a dying world.Jesus Christ and him crucified,the foundation of belief for every christian,the food we feed on,the nurishment we grow on,and the source of life the believer lives on.
If we are going to build better a relationship in the body of Christ,it must be built on Christ and him crucified.The good news from upon high, which brings about a change in the lives of all who by faith embraces this truth.

It is these truth which reunites us to God.The Gospel don't need any additives
it is good just as it was given.The gospel calls us out of the darkness into Gods marvelous light,and its' success lies in the plain doctrine of a crucified Lord and a risen Savior.The prosperity message sounds good,and might be easy to swallow,and might change a mind, but it dosn't have the power to covert a heart.The faith message feels good on the outside,but holds no power to make you good on the inside.The simple truths of Christ and him crucified alone, has the power to turn a sinner to a saint, it is the power of God unto salvation.

Saints who will believe our report.The Gospel:The birth of Jesus; born of a virgin in a feeding tray, to be fed on by a dying world.The death of Jesus; he accepted for mankind, the wage paid by sin,that we might recieve the gift of God.The resurrection of Christ;to conquor death, and him that had power of death,rising with all power in heaven and on earth in his hands:Who will belive our report.To them that perish it is foolisness,they can't understand the nature and character, of this christian message.

The gospel,a message of a lowly man hung on a tree, for the salvation of the whole world,to them that perish it is but foolishness,but unto us which is saved,it is the power of God.It brings salvation to all who believes,for the power of God works by it.The gospel of Jesus Christ the saving truths,the crucifiction of our redeemer,and his conquest over death,saving all who believes,as believing lets the power of the gospel in.

Paul said "woe with me if I preach not the Gospel",for it was the Gospel that called him, the Gospel converted him, the gospel saved him, as it took a sinner named Saul, and made him a preacher named Paul.So proclaim the gospel, Jesus Christ and him crucified, the power of God unto salvation.

1 comment:

  1. Paul said 'i don't want to know nothing but Christ and him Crucified,this is the message we should share with all we meet
