Monday, January 17, 2011

When all seems hopeless

Job 14:14"If a man die,shall he live again?all the days of my appointed time will I wait,till my change come."

Job lived with an expectation that even when he died, a change would come;that's hope.Hope in God is more than a wing and a prayer,more than a wish for God to do something for us.Hope in God is a trustful waiting when nothing makes sense,when everything is dark,when there seems no end in sight.This kind of hope places its confidence in God's goodness,even though everything in life seems to shout to the contrary.

But how do we remember to hope in God, when all of our circumstances seem to be tearing us apart? Here are somethings to help us remember God when things seems hopeless.We must remember to cry out to him in our day of trouble,instead of excluding him because of anger,mistrust,fear, or neglect.He tells us "call upon on me in your day of trouble and I will deliever you". We must remember to speak truth into the lies of our enemy. When doubt and fear tells you God don't care about your situation,rebuke the lie with the truth of God's word"to cast all your cares upon him, for he cares for you." Then remember God requires times of thanksgiving.We must give thanks in all circumstances.If all seems hopeless,everything falling apart,if we have nothing else in life,our God has made a way for us to have eternal life through his only begotten son.

Friends may try to offer explanations for our suffering and struggles. Many will have word of advice or insights,some of it good, some will be bad, but only God knows the content of our heart.It is his presence and revelation we need to seek.As we look to him and call out to him,as we read his word and meditate on his promises, we will find hope rising up in us, and this is the hope that will carry us through.

Remembering God during hopeless times will carry us through them,but learning to remember him before those times come, will strengthen our hope in him, and prepare us for the "dark nights" of our lives. "For we know that all things work together for the good,to them who love God,to them who are the called according to his purpose."


  1. My hope is built on nothing less, than Jesus blood and righteousness!

  2. If your faith is in the Lord ,trust that he will do just what he said
