Saturday, January 8, 2011

Who do you say that he is!

Mark 8:29 "and he saith unto them,but whom say he that I Am?And Peter answereth and saith unto him,Thou art the Christ."

By the time Jesus asked this question of the disciples, He had calmed the sea,exorcised demons,raised a young girl from the dead,and fed over 5,000.Rumours about who he was ran rampant.One day Jesus pulled his disciples aside and asked,"whom do men say that I am?"Jesus used this conversation as a learning experience.Jesus wanted to be sure the disciples understood the purpose of the miracles they had seen.The disciples responded that the people thought he was John the Baptist, Elijah,or one of the prophets who had come back from the dead.

Then Jesus asked them,"But whom say ye that I am?" Saints who do you say Christ is,not only with your talk, but does the way you live your life say that he is the Christ, the son of the living God?Does your life reveal him in his full person,does he shine in and on your life?See in Peters mind and the minds of the others,Jesus was the long awaited messiah-King.He was going to overthrow the wicked Roman government,and put the Jews back in charge.

However,Jesus spoiled their visions of a conquering Messiah.Instead of telling them what seats they would hold in his new government,Jesus begin to talk about his rejection by the elders,priest,and teachers of the law,followed by his crucifixion and death.As Peter listened he responded,"No,Jesus,That can't be true." They had witnessed his great power and authority,he was going to make life better not worse. Peter like many believers today,was looking for ease and comfort and power,not the ways of God.Jesus sharply rebuked Peter and clearly stated that those who followed him would suffer greatly.As Jesus suffered,His followers would also suffer.

In less than a week,three of the disciples would see Jesus in his glory and power on a mountain top,But they needed a picture of his suffering as well.Both are part of the christian life.Following Jesus requires us to take up our  own cross of shame, persecution and suffering.No cross,no crown, if we don't suffer with the crucified Lord,we can't reign with the risen Savior.....

1 comment:

  1. Saints when we come to know who Christ is in our life,we can be a better reflection of him to a dying world.He is not only our conquering King,but he is also our suffering survant.There is suffering on this journey
