Thursday, September 26, 2013

He Weeps For The Lost

Luke 19:41"And when he was come near, he beheld the city, and wept over it"

Compassion, one of the most beautiful virtues of our Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ. A genuine heart felt concern, and deep rooted unconditional love for others. Here in our story today we have the great Ambassador from heaven, overcome with emotion, as he was making his public entry into Jerusalem. Jesus, on an ass colt, descending down Mount Olive ,as he approached the city, when he was come near, he could look down into the city. He could look into the heart of the city, Christ looks into the heart of man, not impressed with the hand praise and lip service, He is not over taken by the size of the congregations, He is only concerned the impending doom of all who haven't accepted him as their Lord and savior.The gospel has been preached, salvation has been offered, Yet in the mist of our praise ,many still have not made peace with God. We cry out his name, but many have yet to accept him as Lord and Savior.Many are still blinded to the accepted day of salvation. Many still have yet to hear his voice, is your accepted day of salvation.

When Jesus came near he beheld the city with a weeping eye. He wept for all of the lost souls who continue to live unrepented lives. He approached the city, and his eyes effected his heart, and his heart effected his eyes, and he wept. He didn't weep because he was betrayed, and sold out by his own. He didn't shed a tear when they whipped him all night long and hung him on a cross to die, for this reason he came. No He wept because many have not made the most of the day. Jesus weeps now for those who still don't realize now is the accepted day for salvation.There is still time to repent, yet Christ knows few will make use of it.

 Jesus is still weeping over the many lost soul who have yet to hear His voice and turn from their wicked ways and seek His salvation. Jesus hung on cross to save YOU and He weeps for you as He stands with His arms stretched out at the door of YOUR heart knocking. Will you let Him in? 

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