Tuesday, September 17, 2013

The Gift From The Grave Yard

Matthew 28:6 "He is not here: for He is risen,as He said come,see the place where the Lord lay".

Jesus the Christ the Son of the living God, laid down His life so He could pick it up again.There is a gift from the grave.Jesus died and rose again on the third day morning with all power in His hands.He Gave us such a gift,the gift of eternal life from a place of the dead.

Well the tomb was empty.That means God kept His word,the perfect plan of salvation was now set in motion.There is good news in the fact that there is life beyond the grave.There is an everlasting life. Good news that Jesus rose with all power, even power over death and the grave.Good news that the debt for sin has been paid in full; the adoption papers have been filled out completely and all we have to do is sign on to become a member of the Holy family of God.Good news that we can now become the righteousness of God,that we can come boldly to the throne of grace through the blood of Jesus and cry "abba father".For He is risen,the atoning sacrifice of Jesus on the cross has been accepted.By way of His death man can be reconciled back to a Holy and righteous God.

There is good news that we will all one day have a resurrected body,but in the mean time we can die with Jesus in faith and rise again with Him in a newness of life by faith,for He has conquered death and him that has power of death.There is good news from the empty tomb, will you share this good news?

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