Saturday, May 17, 2014


Philippians 1:29 "For unto you it is given in the behalf of Christ, not only to believe on him, but also to suffer for his sake".

It is about Christ and him alone, no matter what the situation, let Jesus be what the world see. Christ is proclaimed by many people for several reasons. We need to stop judging the witnessing motives, of others whether good or bad. Instead, when Christ is put on display, and the true Gospel is being preached let us just celebrate. When Paul was in jail he proclaimed an uplifted attitude. How could this be, well Paul believed all things would work together for his good, he also realized he had a captivated audience in which to proclaim the Gospel to. He couldn't go anywhere, but neither could the guards assigned to watch him. So even in prison Paul was not ashamed, everything that was happening to him in prison, he used in furthering the message of Christ.

Paul had come to that wonderful place in his life where it didn't matter if he lived or died. He saw advantages in both. If he died He would go home and live forever with his blessed savior, Jesus Christ. But if he lived, Paul's desire was to help the new churches grow and develop, so he desired to continue to live. So let us remember no matter what the situation, rather good or bad, we must conduct ourselves in a godly manner.Let us work together, keep our eyes on the return of Christ, by living as though he is here already. Let us continue to help as many people as we can to believe in Him as possible, And stand strong in spite of the opposition. We must learn how to live for Him and also suffer for his sake. Don't let our current situation determine whether or not we put Christ on display, but let Christ on display in our lives determine our situations.

We must always conduct ourselves in a way that is worthy of the name which we have claimed for ourselves. We say we are Christ like, called to be like Jesus, so others could see Jesus through us and be drawn to Him. So let us be committed to exalting Jesus, let us always keep Him on display in our life,  rather things are going good or things are going bad." And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me".

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