Thursday, May 22, 2014

Show Me Love

1John 3:18 "My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue: but in deed and in truth."

There is a line in a song that says " I want a love I can see,it's the only love that means a thing to me, don't want a love you got to tell me about, that kind of love I can sho do with out". See love is an action and not just a word, and actions are to be seen and not heard. In word and deed-Love is not piety. It is not sitting on the sidelines complaining about how pathetic everything is. Love is revealed by what we do. God so loved that He gave, He forgave, He sacrificed, and He saved. He is calling us to love one another as He has loved us. If our love do not compel us to action, then how can they profit us or anyone else?

Pure Love as described in 1corin.13 which is perhaps the most poetic, profound and powerful description of pure love written, is a description of the love which is of God and Jesus Christ is the embodiment of pure love. The apostle Paul's prayer for the family of God was that as Christ dwells in our hearts by faith, and we are rooted and grounded in his love. That we may be able to comprehend, the breath, and length, and depth, and height, of Christ love for us. It is a love that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from. Love is not something to be talked about, but is something we are to do, in spite of, without respecter of person. The love of God is a reflection of God's heart flowing through Christ to us, as we become one spirit, one heart, one mind, abiding in Him as He abides in us.
When Jesus died on the cross, I believe he was feeling two kinds of love. One was from the father as Jesus steadfastly did His will. The other was Jesus' love for all people. Because of the love coming from the Father and his desire to love each one of us, He was able to endure the pain and shame of death on a cross. As we draw upon Jesus' unselfish love, we too can began to show love one for another instead of just talking about it.

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