Even when Jesus preached so sweetly his meek and loving doctrine there was division among the people.We may not hope to please everybody,however we must be true in our teaching.There will be division among those who do not follow.There will be division of believers and non-believers.There is a difference of opinon.Difference in trust as the non-believer relys on self and the believer trust in Jesus. Difference in love,obidence,character,and language.There is a difference in destiny as one is on the wide road traveling south and the other is going north on the narrow road.
Christ who is properly the author of peace, is, on account of the wickedness of men,the occasion of disagreement.There has never been one who has so deeply moved the hearts of men as Jesus Christ has done.He has changed the course of the world's history,his teachings are received by the foremost nations of the earth.Millions of people call themselves by His name.For His sake many have lived as no others were able or willing to live before His coming.Yet as much as some love and trust him with all they have,there are many who dispies His name and don't believe his person.Even though he die for all mankind,many a man will die to everlasting damnation because the refuse to believe.Because of Him many will be divided.The sheep will be divided from the goats, the wheat from the chaff, and the believer from the un-believer.
The union of the saints results from union with Christ,as the loadstone not only attracts the particals of iron, but it also unites all the particles it attracts to one another.Let us lay aside all that makes us different and that which divides us and come together in the one thing that brings us all together,as jews and gentiles are one in Christ,and believers of all backgrounds make up one church.
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