Revelations 12:11 "And they overcame him by the blood of the lamb, and the word of their Testimony:and they loved not their lives unto death:"
Testimony;From the root word tetis, meaning to witness. Webster says testimony "is a statement of fact,A declaration of truth". Saints the bible is full of testimonies. Filled with statements of facts and truths; Testified of by kings, judges, prophets, priest, Apostles, disciples, and even God himself. It contains testimonies from the greatest of men ,to the lowest of people. We are taught, and we teach the many different experiences testified of by those of the bible. But to have a powerful testimony of our own, we must experience that which they testified about.( We must experience a Red Sea deliverence to know he is a way out of no way; we must come up against some goliaths, to know God will fight our battles, and have a damasscus road experience, to realize you've been born again).
Testimony;From the root word tetis, meaning to witness. Webster says testimony "is a statement of fact,A declaration of truth". Saints the bible is full of testimonies. Filled with statements of facts and truths; Testified of by kings, judges, prophets, priest, Apostles, disciples, and even God himself. It contains testimonies from the greatest of men ,to the lowest of people. We are taught, and we teach the many different experiences testified of by those of the bible. But to have a powerful testimony of our own, we must experience that which they testified about.( We must experience a Red Sea deliverence to know he is a way out of no way; we must come up against some goliaths, to know God will fight our battles, and have a damasscus road experience, to realize you've been born again).
To have a powerful testimony, we must be true witnesses, that Jesus is the Christ the son of the living God.See the book of Revelations was written to encourage the lost to seek and find Christ and to encourage believers to endure and perserver thru persecution and suffering, knowing we already have the victory through Jesus Christ the captain of our salvation, thus giving us a powerful testimony to share with a lost world. See even though the enemy has been defeated he will constantly put your testimony to the test.He will try your faith, and challenge your trust and belief in God.Every time you announce your alligence with God the tempter will come along to make a lier out of you. But it says "They overcame him with the blood of the lamb and the power of their testimony" This is past tense we've already won we just have to hold on and believe our testimony.By the blood of the lamb, we have been redeemed, made free, cleansed, washed ,and saved. Jesus has paid it all, the charges have been dismissed.We over came by the blood of Christ and our witness about Christ, our confession that he is the son of God.
The word of our testimony ,is our great weapon of war, our testimony breaks down strongholds, and destroys the defenses of the devil. Our testimony carrys us through the trials of life, reminding us of the power of God. It give you the courage and patience to endure the suffering, the strength to stand, and the power to convience a dying world that Jesus is the Christ the power of God unto salvation. Sharing the good news of what God has done for you, is the power that will free another held in bondage by the lies of the enemy,and the guilt of sin.
There is power in the truth of your testimony.Tell It