2 Corinthians 7:1" Having therefore these promises,dearly beloved,let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit,perfecting holiness in fear of God".
Burning with strong emotions,kept by the love of Christ,and animated by the fellowship of all spiritual blessings,the apostle here strikes out an exhortation.He appeals to the noblest passions of the children of God,to their possession of divine lineage and their exalted destiny.He uses these as incentives to holiness of life.To stir up in us this godly ambition,he sets before us the promises of God.
He says "having these promises"; that God will dwell in us ,and he will be our God and we will be his people.The promise that he will walk with us that we are never alone.The promise that he will receive us, for whosoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.The promise that he will be our Father and we shall be his sons and daughters.His promise to provide our every need,so we can take no thought for the cares of this world.So let us cleanse ourselves, both body and mind from all filthiness.If God is going to dwell within us let us clean the house for so pure a God.We must set before us perfect holiness as a thing to be reached,and blame ourselves if we fall short.Let us strive for true perfection through Jesus Christ by living a life of total self denial.
Then let us perfect holiness in the fear of God.The fear of God cast out the fear of man and thus saves us from one prolific cause of sin, disobedience.The fear of God cast out the love of Sin,and if you pull out the root the fruit is sure to be destroyed.The fear of God works in and through love to him,and is a great factor of holiness.The fear of God is the root of faith,worship,obedience and so it produces all manner of holy service.So Let us look to the promises of God and be cleansed and with holy reverence seek perfection in His beloved Son Jesus Christ.
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