Every shepherd would love to have a flock where all the sheep are fleet of foot ,and have a joyous spirit. But the truth is that in every flock there are weak, lame and feeble sheep; yet all belong to the shepherd.Sheep are liable to many diseases which make them weak and feeble, some become weak through a bad diet, eating contaminated food, giving them foot rot hindering their ability to walk upright. Then some are lame from birth, weak by nature(called the runt of the litter),these are the sheep the good shepherd will take pitty on and seek to heal and strengthen. We the saints of God are also subject to diseases which can cause us to become weak and feeble.(worldly concerns,inward conflicts,trials tribulation all effect our walk).This has moved God with great compassion for the weak and feeble of his flock, in fact he rebukes those who neglect the diseased and sick of his flock, his word says" the diseased have ye not strengthened, neither have ye heald that which was sick".Saints the strong have a responsibility to the weak and feeble of the flock It is our duty, to with courage and in faith to help one another forward on the way to heaven, to help the weak and feeble thru their afflictions that they might be strengthened to a greater degree of holiness, as trials are ment to make us , stronger.(we should do for other what others did for us in our growth).
There are many on their way to heaven, who yet walk lame and weak, but they still try to stay the course, many who are in need of spiritual strenght, having fallen hands and weak knees,but still are pressing toward the mark of the high calling of God.So let us lay aside every weight and the sin which so easily besets us,(some hands have fallen and knees are weak because we carry things God wants us to leave behind).Let us with prayer and supplication bear one anothers burdens with patience ,that we might all reach this journeys end.(Gods will is that none shall parish).Lift up the hands that hang down, and strenghten the feeble knees which can depress and discourage many on this walk.Let the strong first make sure the paths are straight for our feet, that we might better run this race and stay the course. straight paths by staying away from crooked customs, religious rituals and self serving doctrines which trip up many on the way.Strait paths thru faith that God is; with the patience that God will, and the holy courage to stand firm in your faith, having an undying Joy in the Lord.This will make your walk steady and prevent wavering and wandering along this journey.Let us encourage and not discourage others that are traveling in the same way, for this may cause the lame and weak to turn away.( when christians fight among each other it causes doubt and distrust amoung the weak and unstable of the flock)Those with little hope, limited faith,living in doubt and fear, as they might begin to backslide,neglecting the grace of God.They might give in to the evil influences of others,listening to haters, neysayers,and non believers.We can't let the weak parish thru neglect, forgetting Christ died for them too, we can't dispise them as though they are worthless as the blood of Christ was shed for them also.So let us not lose hope and give up on them. We must strengthen them with comfort, relieving them their distress, showing them the love of God and assuring them they are never alone;we must restore them, rebuild their hope ,faith and trust in God through the power of our testimony and the truth of Gods word.Jesus the Christ , the good shepherd, the door to the sheep, who will bless us comming and going. So let us lead them in THE WAY;feed them with THE TRUTH, and expose them to THE LIFE; Jesus Christ the way,truth and the life...........Got Jesus? tell a friend change a life
Someone is following you, so make sure you are following Jesus.