Isaiah 1:18 "Come now, and let us reason together,saith the Lord:though your sins be as scarlet,they shall be as white as snow;though they be red like crimson,they shall be as wool".
The sinful condition of men is terrible in the extreme.This is set forth vividly in previous verses of this chapter.They are altogether alienated from God. God himself interposes to produce a change.The proposal of peace is always from the side of God.See the matter is of a serious nature and demands a most serious discussion,and deserves it,for God,the soul, heaven,and hell are involved in it.No good can come to the man who neglects the invitation,it is one of those things that will not drift the right way itself.
Our sins are like scarlet,we are double dyed,for we are all sinners by birth ,and sinners by practice.Yet by faith in Jesus Christ they shall be white as snow:by an interest in Christ's atonement,though our offences be red like crimson, they shall be as wool; that is they shall be as white as the undyed wool. So here we have God urging a conversation, he says "Come let us reason together", the conversation needs to be held at once , for he says " Come Now", for the danger is too great to allow for a moments delay. Today is the acceptable day of salvation; "the day you hear My voice harden not your heart".God message is urgent, let us not procrastinate with such an urgent need.Like dye, when sin enters the soul how can it be removed without destroying the life? With man this is impossible, but with God he is able to separate the sinner from the sin.He is able to destroy the sin while perfecting the sinner,saving his very soul."Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be white as snow", God calls the most glaring sinners to come to him, with the promise of reconcilliation.
Come let us reason together,God himself will remove the stain of sin from the hearts and conscience of all who come to him.He will forgive you,and so end the inner conflict. He will remove the offense perfectly,He will remove for ever the guilt of sin.He will discharge the penalty of sin.He will destroy the dominion of sin,and he will prevent the return of sin.He explains by his own word how this is done.See He offers free forgiveness obliterating guilt.Full atonement averting punishment,regeneration by the spirit breaking the power of sin.Constant santification forbidding sins return.Now the way to return to God is made easy,consider it carefully ,and have a little talk with Jesus at once, and he'll make you all right.
Come, talk to Jesus,confess your sins that they be forgiven,Enter His rest,take on His peace have everlasting life.