Saturday, August 10, 2013

Look Inward Not Outward

Nehemiah 9:2 "And the seed of Israel separated themselves from all strangers,and stood and confessed their sins,and the iniquities of their fathers".

The first step towards redemption and reconciliation is acknowledgment of what we have done.The word of God tells us to confess our sins and He is faithful and just to forgive us of our sins.But most of us instead of acknowledging our shortcomings we tend to point fingers,and blame others or our situations for our faults.

We can't blame the internet for our addiction to porn, or the liquor stores for our alcohol addiction, no we must accept responsibility for our own actions.We are in the condition we are in, because of the choices we made, not because of the choices that were before us.In our text today the children of Israel realized their responsibility for their behavior.It is only by the truth that man can be made free.We cannot accept Christ in a lie,He is the truth, and it is in truth that we must receive Him ,any other way we are being deceived.

We can't grow spiritually until we take ownership of who we are and what we do.Everyone must confess his or her own sins.For with out repentance there is no remittance of sin.We must come to the knowledge that confession is an act of belief that God forgives.It is when we return to Him in truth that He will return to us in mercy and forgiveness.Let us spend more time in the mirror,and less time looking out the window.Look inward not outward.

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