Friday, August 16, 2013

The Simple Truth

Matthew 16:16 "And simon Peter answered and said,Thou art the Christ,the son of the living God".

What happened? Jesus asked the question to His disciples "who do you say that I am", and Peter answered and said "thou art the Christ the son of the living God". This is the simple truth that the whole foundation of today's church stands upon.Yet we felt the need to add our flavor to this truth like it wasn't able to do what God designed it to do.

After Peter made this confession, Jesus said " and the gates of Hell shall not prevail". Many seem to think that Jesus meant that hell would not enter into the church. But if you think about it a gate is designed to keep things out not to break in, and I don't know about you but I was full of hell when I entered into the church.The word of God says while I was yet a sinner Christ died for me.So i see hell did enter the Church, but the gate that hell had wrapped around my heart,the gate that it thought it had my soul locked behind could not keep that simple truth from penitrating my heart,convicting me of my sins and converting my soul.There is no heart this truth cannot convict, no life it cannot change, no soul that it cannot convert and no person it cannot save.

The world has deceived us into believeing that a lost soul cannot be saved by this simple truth.We have changed our message into something more along the lines of what we can get from God instead of what we can become for God.Our worship seems to be more of an entertaining show for the world and less about true elevation of the Lord and this simple truth "thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God".

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