Tuesday, August 13, 2013

The Gospel Of Jesus Christ

1 Corinthians 9:16b "Woe is unto me if I preach not the gospel"!

The gospel of Jesus Christ , the power of God unto salvation.But did you know it is the power of God for everything that man needs.In the gospel of Jesus Christ, lies the truth of salvation,the way to salvation, and the life we are to live in salvation.The gospel of Jesus Christ will convict the hard heart convert the lost soul, encourage the weary spirit,and subdue the unwilling flesh.It is the power of God given to all who will accept it.

The Gospel of Jesus Christ, is the message that will save man.In it lies the truth, that will lead one in darkness into God's marvelous light.The gospel of Jesus Christ, His birth, how He was born of a virgin, the perfect sacrifice for and imperfect people.He who knew no sin was made sin so we who was born of sin might be made free of sin.His death,how He died on a cross for the sin of all mankind while we were yet without strength,ungodly,unholy, while we were yet sinners Jesus was made a curse to free us from the curse.His resurrection,The new life we are given to live. How He rose on the third day morning with all power in His hands.The power for me to live a life pleasing unto God.The power for me to live a life that will lead others to the salvation of the Lord.Jesus the Christ and Him crucified the message that will convict and change a lost world.

Paul once said he is not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and we to need not be ashamed of it. We don't need to dress it up,it don't need no extra spin on it, it will stand on its own.Yes there will be times it will hurt, for it is sharper than any two edged sword, but at the same time it cuts, it will also heal.When it convicts it will comfort,what it tears down it will build up.The gospel of Jesus Christ is complete and what it starts it will finish,so that the man of God will be throughly furnished unto all  good works...

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