Thursday, May 5, 2011


Jeremiah 3:19 " But I said,How shall I put thee among the children,and give thee a pleasant land,a goodly heritage of the host of nation? and I said,Thou shalt call me,My father; and shalt not turn away from me".

Man thinks sin is no big deal,but it is with the Lord; man takes grace for granted,but not the Lord.Man trifles where God wonders,and man forgets where God considers.Here God seems ,as it were to be at a stand.He ask "How shall I act to save these sinners,and yet not wrong myself"? This should make us so humble for our sins.When a child gets into such trouble,that his loving father wonders how shall he save this poor foolish child from his on destruction.Now if the child has any compassion about himself, he will consider how he is breaking his fathers heart with this rebellious behavior,he will repent of the trouble he has cause his father and will not be able to bear the guilt of his actions.This is how we should feel in reference to our God,who in this text is speaking as a loving father.

The question,"How shall I put thee among the children". How can a Holy God include in his Holy family sinners, without contaminating the righteousness of the royal family.Shall they be adopted, one so set on mischief, and who willfully disobey's? A sinner so open, so presumptuous, so obstinate?A criminal condemned already by their own unbelief? What will the children say, what will the world say? Will they not say look at the characters received into the household of the God!What can I say to justify such a action?How shall I make this appear to be the act of the judge of all the earth?How do I give thee a pleasnt land, a goodly heritage,is this not to good  for one such as these? God asked these questions long ago,and He himself answered the question,it was the perfect answer.

God himself puts sinners among his children,and none other can do it.The Lord infuses a new spirit a suitable spirit.A spirit which expresses itself by a new call:" My Father", and this creates new bonds, for with this new spirit we shall not turn away from him. We are indeed made to be children of God,joint heirs with Christ.We are loved as his children,and treated as his.We are forgiven as a father forgives his child,we are clothed, fed,and housed as His .We are taught ,ruled, and punished as children,and we are honored and enriched as children.How?Jesus came to call sinners to repentance.He assembled the wicked,to convert them to righteousness of God.We come to him covetous, he makes us liberal;lascivious,he makes us chaste;violent, he makes us meek; impious, he makes us religious.Regeneration is not a change of the old nature, but an introduction of a new nature.Not "Ishmael changed," but "Issac born", is the son of promise.Whom God adopts, he anoints; whom he makes sons, he makes saints.How? Through a new birth in Christ by faith..  

1 comment:

  1. How did God prepare me for this prepared place he promises? He gave me Jesus.
