This is a voice of mercy,concerned about each one of us.Justice might slay the sinner, but mercy will slay the sin and spare the sinner.Yet the voice of holiness,is opposed to every mans evil way,and offers each person an acceptable life.The Lord Jesus did not come to be a minister of sin ,but a destroyer of sin.Let each of us examine our own selves,for we all have an evil way of our own.God is crying out with mercy, and from his message we first hear we must return.This includes three things;We must stop,stand still, go no further in our evil way.We must turn around, turning from our wicked way to seek Gods face.And we must hurry back, move in the right way and continue on the right path.Seeking the lost was so important to Jesus, that he said he would leave the ninety nine to save the one.So let us heed his call.
When should we return? Now,every step we take in the wrong drection takes us further from God. Each step away makes it harder to come back,and you might not have another chance to come back;the day you hear his voice harden not your hearts.Everyone should return,for every man has his own particular way of sin,even though we might think others sin is worst than our sin.God is calling out to each and everyone of us to return to the good way,the narrow way, the way of righteousness, peace and love.So let us return from our evil way, our personal sin,our consitutional sin, our most frequent sin,the one you are most easily lead to engage in,(fornication,greed, lying,self-righteousness, pride,envy,etc).To enter into sin is easy, it is the nature of the natural man,but yet how difficult is the way back,to retrace your steps back to righteousness is work,andwe must labor.Only by faith in the Lord Jesus can this be done,to those who believe in the Lord Jesus he will send the Holy Spirit to lead them in the way everylasting.
There are two things proper to a man that returneth:first,to go a way clean contrary to the way he went before; secondly to tread out and destroy his former steps. Many think the way to hell is but a little out of the way to heaven,but they be decieved,sin is more than just a stepping off the path it is total rebellion against God,it is going away from God,so we must turn around, turn from our ways to turn to God's way.Jesus said" I stand at the door and Knock" let us answer his call, let us return to our loving Father like the prodical son, let us hear his call of mercy.
Now is the acceptable day of salvation,receive the Lord while he may be found,for tomorrow is not promised to any man.